It is surely hard to live with a mom who likes everything done fast and efficient. With my two jobs, and relying solely on myself to work for my daughters, build their dreams, keep a household, have a nice career, and be happy, I need to move like a whirlwind from that very moment I open my eyes in the dark early morning. Wonderwoman, and Darna in one as I say. My daughters might not understand why I keep on pushing them to work perfectly, to move fast, and be very efficient…. life is too short to coop up in one’s comfort zone. As I keep on telling them, the “comfort zone” is surely a nice place to stick around in, but where will that take you in the end? Remember that part of Percy Jackson when they got stuck in the casino having all the fun, but that was all they got until they realized their mission was not at all completed?
My daughter’s 13th birthday fell on a Monday, I get home really late on Mondays due to my new work schedule so got to celebrate my daughters birthday a day earlier. …just a simple buffet with my best friend. Unfortunately, Tin’s birthday falls on the main event days of my city where always more than a million visitors pack up the establishments and streets so it is just so hard to walk around and have a decent lunch or dinner out.
On the 26th, I dropped by Jollibee just to buy a chicken meal for them both. I get out of work at 8PM and got home almost around 9PM hugging the meals in a paper bag to keep them warm

The simple get together was just the weekend after, March 03. With my aunt having her birthday the day after, Tin celebrated her birthday in a pool resort. My family made the day great - full of stories, full of singing and swimming, full of jokes, full of laughter!
Simple food were dished out, no luxurious delicacies, modest enchalada, grilled fish and meat were served. Everyone enjoyed eating but just half of the food was consumed. Then everyone started to worry on how we are going to eat all.
Children never got out of the water until their eyes are already red. Many times their mommies changed their clothes just to find out they want to dip in again.
My princess keeps on running around with her cousins, laughing and joking together. They only get back to the cottage when they needed to eat and drink then ran back to the pools again.
She managed to stay awake in the trip going home, just rested a little bit and went to her room. I asked her for some errand and she replied a little bit later. And a minute right after, I already heard her snore.
Looking at her happy made me complete. All sacrifices and stress are all washed away seeing my daughter laughing.