Saturday, February 17, 2018


courtesy of Firth
Masonry units, in this case talks about concrete masonry units (CMU). Being fire resistant and economical, CMUs are commonly used for construction these days. There are two kinds of CMUs:

1. Solid concrete blocks which do not have any holes in them. These blocks are laid like bricks.
2. Hollow concrete blocks whereby reinforcing bars are placed through the holes provided.
courtesy of

CMUs may contain minimal gravel but cement aggregate ratio should be 1:6 where aggregates contain 60% fine and 40% coarse.


The Children's park was once the best amusement place for children when malls and fastfoods were yet to come. A lot of renovations have been made to this park but so many of the children's playing equipment are still around. There were bike rentals for small toddlers inside the park before which were taken out, so all bikers use the roads connecting the parks instead. 

A pair of two concrete elephants stood in the entrance of the park. They were there since 1970s and though they have been painted now, they still stand as the welcome symbol of the park. 

The big slide was already taken out and was replaced by a newer version of play place for children along with others. However, the swings, with their big chains and loops are still used until now. 

Although malls and food establishments are always packed with people during summer especially weekends, the Children's Park still has a portion of the children's population. Traditional style picnics with straw mats or cartons are still observed in this park. Local folks carry sports equipment like balls and badminton rackets.

How to reach the park?

The park is located at the left side of the Burnham Lake (Coming from Rose Garden). Although there is no jeepey route to take one to the entrance of the park, visitors can still take their vehicle or taxi and drive all the way to the back of the park.

Establishments near the park?

The park is next to the City Library, the Athletic Bowl and the skating rink. From Kisad road, a small exit gate has been placed for anyone who would like to have access to the Childen's Park. Children's Park is just across the hotels in Kisad - Kisad Hotel, Burnham Suites, Venus Hotel, City Travel Hotel and the Lourdes Church. At the far side of the park is Baguio's Orchidarium.

 Children's Park is one of the well-known parks in Baguio City.

Friday, February 16, 2018


The Burnham Lake is the center of all the Parks downtown Baguio City. Surrounded by trees and green landscape for picnics around the lake, this lake is one of those spots to be visited in the city. Along the lakeside are short benches for couples and families to sit while watching boaters. 

The boats have evolved from the flat yellow boats rented out before into swans. These swans are often watched by spectators on Panagbenga. Rental of boats is by the hour with or without a rower. 

 The lake is about 3 meters deep, inhabited by tilapia, koi, and carps. Although fish are not that visible especially during the summer as the water turns greenish brown due to algae growth and mud constantly stirred by the boat ores.

 The newest addition to the park is the installation of city bird houses. These bird houses are situated right across the Rose Garden exit. As only Maya birds seen over the area, the city is trying to develop the park to be habitable for our winged friends once again. Crows are heard more commonly near the skating rink area where fewer people stay.

A mural of the ancient native way of living is placed at one end of the lake. It is a 1.5m by 3m (approximate size) stone carved with Cordilleran way of life.

How to reach the park?

The Burnham Lake is just a walk away from the surrounding parks downtown. Jeepney lines also have the main route surrounding the park. By taxi, one should direct the driver as the Burnham Lake.

Establishments near the park?

Establishments are farther from this park as it is surrounded by the other parks. Ganza Restaurant is being shared by the Rose Garden and The Burnham Lake from one side and reaching the other end of the Lake leads you to Solibao Restaurant.

The Burnham Lake is just one of the downtown parks in Baguio City.


As graduates of Civil Engineering Batch '97 in St. Louis University, the members have chosen the logo as their standing symbol for brotherhood, harmony and solidarity. Designed by Benchie Alcantara who was inspired with the long and winding horizontal structures represented by the school logo and the high-rising skyscrapers founding the number 9.

The cogwheel stands for the continuous journey to the success not just by a few but everybody within themselves, within the batch, and sharing throughout the legacies and the community. As the cogwheel turns, its notches mesh with other wheels' to become one, to become a part of a stronger fusion of parts in constructing a whole.

Bibo SEA!



Concrete is the combination of cement with coarse aggregates, fine aggregates and water. When most structures have already been built using concrete, one has to always remember that concrete is low on tensile strength but strong in compression. Other advantages of using concrete in structures are easy to cast, fire resistant, can be fabricated on site, reusable and recyclable, has low maintenance and carries different aesthetic properties.

courtesy of Total Concrete

The two kinds of concrete mixes are:

1. Nominal mix, which are the proportion of the materials to reach a desired strength usually low until 30N/mm2. The arbitrary proportions can be used to attain the strength required without any doubt or recalculations needed.

courtesy of Alamy

2. Design mix, on the other hand, is the proportion of materials to make concrete for high-rise buildings. These buildings require stronger concrete, thus design mix would require the computation for the desired strength of the structure.

Click here to download PDF Notes on Concrete

courtesy of the Balance
The study of concrete would also need to discuss workability of concrete besides its strength. Workability is the rate at which concrete can be transported and placed without segreration of the materials, especially the coarse aggregates. Workability is in direct proportionality with the amount of water introduced in the concrete. The balance between workability and strength of the concrete can be measured with the concrete slump test.

While the concrete is setting from inside the structure, proper curing is also needed to help maintain the moisture of the concrete while it hardens. Improper curing usually is shown from the cracks on the concrete surface. Curing of concrete can be employed in various methods where ponding is the most commonly used. 

courtesy of Taracon Precast
Pre-cast concrete is a kind of concrete structure which was fabricated at the factory and not on site. Pre-cast concrete usually carry high strength wherein most often pre-tensioning of the reinforcing cables inside the concrete structure is adopted to lift the strength of the member.

courtesy of Depositphotos

Pumped concrete is also a kind of concrete whereby it is pumped from the truck barrel to the structure. This kind of concrete would need to be high in water to be easily pumped out. Pumped concrete is used in high rise structures where pouring of concrete will be impossible to be done in any other method.


courtesy of The Constructor
Mortar is the paste from combining cement, fine aggregates (sand), and water. Some mortars add lime to the ingredients. Mortar is different from plaster from the proportions of cement and sand and also the grading of sand.

There are different kinds of mortars:

1. Lime mortar. This is the kind of mortar where lime is added. One type is hydraulic lime mortar which, from the lime used, can be adopted underwater.  Fat lime mortar, on the other hand, is the other kind of lime mortar which is inferior in quality compared to hydraulic lime mortar. From the definition of fat lime, which is the lower quality of lime, the mortar produced can only be used in inferior works.

2. Cement mortar. The kind of mortar used for important works or higher quality works. The strength of the mortar comes from cement, thus the amount of cement in the mortar maintains the strength of the mortar.

courtesy of CivilBlog.Org
3. Surki mortar.  The type of mortar from the combination of cement or lime with surki. Surki works as sand in this case. Surki is the powderized leftovers from overburnt bricks.

4. Blended mortar. This type is the introduction of cement into the lime mortar. The process is known as ganging or blending. The presence of cement improves the quality of lime mortar.


Architect Daniel Burnham is what the park was named after. When people would talk about Burnham Park, they would usually mean the whole wide group of parks around the downtown area of Baguio city. However, decades ago, this part of the park is called the Rose Garden. With the long, low rise steps and the different varieties of roses blooming, the park has earned its name quite well. With roses having thorns, the flowers would be very enchanting but the stems, embracing each other, go to different directions and make the experience turn around to checking on safety more than enjoying the time with the flowers. The Rose Garden has been remodeled into a park with the dancing fountains.

The big entrance gates to the park are just across the Rizal Park. The path from the big gates direct to the lake on the opposite side of the park running along the small pool of low fountains. This can be said as the biggest silent park in downtown because this place is good for sitting and walking around, picnics, but not with activities requiring more movements just like the parks next to it.

Although this park has more greens than colorful flowers now, the gentle slopes are used to place the city’s Christmas village in the winter holidays. The flat ground is perfect for walking while the area is good enough to be a bit away from the traffic.

 The dancing fountain has its schedule in the late afternoon of the day. A lot of people get to this part of the park to watch the water dance.

How to reach the park?

The same yellow trunk jeepney line has the route exactly right on the entrance gates of the park. With the city routing plan, all vehicles coming from Naguilian road would definitely pass by the entrance of Burnham Park. Via taxi with the plugdown of 35 Php is an alternative, just advise the driver Burnham Park, Rose Garden entrance. (Most people consider the whole group of parks as Burnham Park.) 

Establishments near the park?

With the big area of this park, the immediate establishment near it is the Ganza restaurant. And being considered as the center of parks, in front of it is the Rizal park while the Burnham Lake behind it. Children’s park is on the side.

Burnham Park is just but one of the beautiful parks to visit in Baguio city.

Thursday, February 15, 2018


The Rizal Park is a small spot right across the city hall park. This park has more paved ground and simple landscape. The tall mural of the National hero, Jose P. Rizal, is placed on the top-most part of the park, surrounded by big chains. However, unlike the Luneta park in the capital, this mural is free from guardians. The park has stairs and no sloping grounds. 

How to reach the park?

With just a street across the city hall park, the yellow trunk public utility jeepney will take you to the park easily. Via taxi, it would be same route as going to the city hall park.

Establishments near the park?

Establishments beside the park is the PRC building on the right and the Gilligans on the opposite side along with the United Church of Christ in the Philippines. Yellow cab, Philippine National bank and the other establishments are a block away. Puregold is also around the corner just behind PRC building.

Rizal park is a small portion of parks to visit in Baguio city.


The city hall park is a small area right in front of the city hall. It sits on the top of Abanao Street. The sloping grounds is good for walking around the paved walkway or n the slopes.

The murals are preserved in this park from the numerous murals which stood right beside the city hall decades ago when the city hall park was a smaller park, mostly paved beside the city hall. That same area for the previous city hall park is where Justice Hall is now situated.

Lately, the newest renovation for this park is the stage where flag ceremonies are held every Monday in the City Hall. Below this stage is an office fronting the park.

How to reach the park?

City Hall park can be said to be at the center of the city. One can reach this park via taxi - just direct the driver to get you to City Hall. Plugdown rate for taxis in Baguio is 35 Php then another 2 Php every few meters thereof. The park would be easy to spot from there. Another alternative is to take the public utility jeepney going to downtown via any point from Naguilian Road. One can easily notice this jeepney routes by their yellow side trunk color. Jeepney fare is at minimum (8.50 Php) for this park.

Establishments near the park?

Eurotel Hotel is just across the park along with food establishments like Yellow Cab. Philippine National Bank is also available in the same block across the street. Cafe by the Ruins is also nearby. Since this park is at the center of the city, other establishments are just a walk away.

This is just one of the various amazing parks to visit in Baguio city.


The high altitude of Baguio city made it pleasant for flowers to bloom in the spring. Different kinds of flowers appear when the season is so conducive for just walking around the parks and experience nature.

The cold breeze brushing one's hair on the bright sunlight is often felt when walking. One can go on moving around without so much sticky sweat to be troubled with. 

 Although the city is also developing infrastructure for amusement, leisure, business - to cater to more activities for locals and visitors alike,  there is still the part of the city embracing its conservative image. Despite so many establishments a lot of people enjoy, parks in the city are still good spots for the family and among friends.

 Spring-summer is the most colorful and vibrant season in the city. With all flowers blooming different colors, different configurations, people also enjoy the open space and the fresh, cool air.

Here is a list of parks that visitors should visit when in Baguio city. Some are small silent parks and the others have already been popularized by the visitors who came up the city. You might want to visit them all.

1.  City Hall Park
2.  Rizal Park
3.  Burnham Park
4.  The Burnham Lake
5.  Melvin Jones
6.  Children's Park
7.  The Skating Rink
8.  The Orchidarium
9.  Igorot Garden
10. Malcolm Square
11. Sunshine Park
12. Pine trees of the world
13. Botanical Garden
14. Minesview Park
15. Wright Park
16. Camp John Hay
17. Tam-awan village

Sunday, February 11, 2018


With the manufacture of cement, structures have been made stronger compared when they were made with clay. Cement is a vital ingredient in manufacturing of concrete along with coarse and fine aggregates mixed with the right proportions of water.
courtesy of the Master Builder

The chemical components of good quality ordinary cement should consist of Lime (62%), Silica (22%), alumina, calcium sulphate, iron oxide, magnesia, sulphur, and alkalies at lesser proportions.

Pozzolanic cement is a kind which is manufactured by mixing fly ash, volcanic ash, silica fumes and calcined clay, all of which are Pozzolanic materials. Portland cement, on the other hand, is manufactured with limestone mainly.

Click here for Lecture Notes on Cement

As per ASTM C150, there are five different specifications for Portland cement. 

Type I is for general use.
Type II is used more specially for environments with moderate sulphate resistance.
Type III is high early strength.
Type IV is for low heat of hydration.
Type V is for high sulfate resistance.

courtesy of Union Cement Company

Special purpose cement is classified into two:

1. Ordinary Portland-based cement

2. Non-ordinary Portland based cement


Although it is not much heard of these days, lime was widely popular as a construction material before.These days, it is not much used as it is, however, it is still the main component in the production of cement. 

Click here for Notes on Lime

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courtesy of the constructor


courtesy of Water Education Foundation Aquifers are important sources of fresh water. Two types of aquifers - confined and unconfined...