Thursday, February 22, 2018


The landscaping exhibit has been a part of the city event from the very start. This is the event where a handful of contenders would need to design the most elegant, inviting, and soothing landscape according to a theme.

For 2018, there are almost 20 contenders for the competition showcasing the biggest flowers, the most colorful petals, the most ecstatic layout where one who visits the exhibit would say, “I wish I had this setting at my own backyard. Each one is given just a small space of around 3m x 5m. This space utilizes only the sidewalk just across the Burnham Lake. At this time, the Lake Drive is converted into stalls for the Market Encounter joining the Landscaping Exhibit altogether.

Landscapes showed different variety of bloomers such as the boat orchid (cymbidium) which actually costs shockingly; marigolds, daisies, petunia, impatience of different species, not just pink or red anthurium but purple and white; hydrangea in variety of colors, and so many flowers to feast one’s eyes on.

The Dwarf village
Different styles and motives has also been used for the landscapes. One has the village of small dwarfs and elves. So fantastical that it brings one’s childhood memories of getting to be friends with these cute mythical beings. 

Hi ho! Dwarfs traveling back to the village

Others used a garden theme with cute paved walkways lined with greens and flowers of differing varieties; walls were covered with plants and beautiful leaves. Corners and strategic spots would have clay pots and statues, nipa huts and garden benches. 

Alluring site where it is hard to resist to dream of a nice place with a wonderful backyard full of amazing things.

Fountains are also one of the major attractions used by a lot of the competitors. Falls from stoneworks or captivating water flowing out from a bamboo chute can be seen always in the landscaping event.

Admittedly, with all the hustle and the bustle just at the other side of the landscape (where multitudes of people check the market encounter), it is so soothing to hear the water trickle while watching the scenic view of the bloomers.

This is 2018's landscaping exhibit but all other exhibits are not a bit less than we had this year. 

Every exhibit was done full of colors, full of love, full of inspiration.

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