Friday, February 2, 2018


Although the compass is already included in topics involving the transit, introductory discussion about measurement of angles focusing on its use should be discussed.

Compasses have different units although the most common is using the degrees. In technical subjects, one has already been introduced to radians where 2 radians would equal to 360 degrees. The other units to learn in this chapter are the:

A. Grads
B. Mils

Furthermore, the meridians ( the invisible circle line passing at certain specified places at the terrestrial poles on the surface of the earth) are categorized according to how they are observed:
A. True meridian
B. Magnetic meridian
C. Grid meridian
D. Assumed meridian

With these kinds of meridian, it is easy to follow that there would also be 4 different ways to designate the north points.

This discussion covers the horizontal angles and there are different kinds to measure them.
1. Interior angles - as long as it is clear on where the target area is, interior angles will be considered in observing the area of a lot. Traversing or working on the bouNdary lines would always consider he angles included inside the area. The opposite procedure for this method is the Exterior angles. Both have similar procedures and only differ in computation of angles.
2. Angles to the right considers the movement of traversing. The clockwise movement of proceeding with the traverse is followed while moving counterclockwise signifies Angles to the left method.
3. Deflection angles is a totally different method from the two previously discussed. This method works with the immediately previously observed traverse line, and checks on the deviation of the next direction with this line.
4. Bearings are a common method used in surveying where the four quadrants of the coordinate system is considered. This is a method imploring the use of the directions North, South, East and West with the angles.
5. Azimuths are similarly often used by surveyors as the bearings. The only difference is azimuths work on the full revolution of 360 degrees using either the reference North or South. Thus this method only gives the angles without directions.

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